It's Going to be ok

Together, we declare:
No more shadows.
No more silence.
No more suffering.

Our resolve burns brighter than the darkest corners where injustice hides. We are the guardians of hope, the architects of change, and the fierce advocates for those who have been silenced for far too long.

Join us in this relentless pursuit—a symphony of courage, compassion, and conviction—as we weave a tapestry of resilience, where the vulnerable find sanctuary, the oppressed find liberation, and the broken find healing.

It’s Going To Be OK Inc.: Because hope is not a whisper; it is a battle cry.

Hope and Pearls Gala

Join us January 25, 2025 for our 7th annual Hope and Pearls Gala!
The Hope and Pearls Gala is an important fundraiser for our organization, which is expanding a national and local education and awareness campaign against human trafficking. 

Sarah's Village

At Sarah’s Village, we will continue to provide a safe haven for women and their children who have survived the horrors of human trafficking. This community is dedicated to offering a nurturing environment where survivors can rebuild their lives with dignity and support.

Our mission:

Empowering Survivors, Shattering Chains

At It’s Going To Be OK Inc., we stand unwaveringly committed to eradicating human trafficking and forging a just world where every woman, child, and vulnerable adult is not merely safe, but empowered, respected, and cherished. We believe that by uniting our collective strength, we can dismantle the chains of exploitation and illuminate the path toward a brighter, more compassionate future.

Empowering Survivors
Shattering Chains
Sign up to volunteer now

Calling all community heroes!

Our organization is seeking enthusiastic volunteers to join our cause. Not only will you have the opportunity to make a significant impact, but dedicated service also brings the chance to be honored with the President’s Volunteer Service Award. This prestigious recognition is a testament to the commitment and generosity of spirit shown by volunteers who meet the required number of service hours.

0 %

of victims are under 24 years old

0 +
victims of sex trafficking die each year from abuse, disease, torture, and neglect.
0 %
of victims are children

Help Us Lower These Statistics

Join us in the fight against human trafficking by hosting a fundraising event in your community. Together, we can make a difference. Start planning your event today and stand with us as we create a safer world for all.

Latest updates

Upcoming events

Image of building

Hope & Pearls Gala

January 25, 2025


Featured media

L’Oréal Paris Women of Worth